Wednesday, 19 September 2012

It's what keeps us going back

I've not forgot about fishing or blogging even, i've been having a kind of regroup and a rethink and also a bit of wondering "what if?" You see, I so very nearly had another monster.

Firetiger Reel Eel engulfed
It's been a steady week, the weather not helping my bit of river and then the few times i've made it out most things have seemed to be working against me. For lure fishing, often a bit extra brown murky water with flotsam and jetsam all over the shop is a bit off putting for the pike and they seem to want to get their heads down out of the way. I still like to have at least a half hour whenever I can though, because you never quite know what can happen. I've managed to winkle a few fish out and had I bagged all the takes I'd have doubled the tally easy but as is the case in lure fishing you don't win them all.

I've probably managed to get out about five times in total since the weekend, all short sessions which includes a blank or two. A couple other sessions I managed a fish and one of them I got five and in one tiny session of fifteen minutes I missed two fish before finally getting lucky on the third, which was a nice way to celebrate my birthday.

A birthday pike

I haven't spent hours and hours on the bank and I'm happy with the results, I just enjoy my time out and each fish is a result in it's own right. I've had some good success recently on the lures so I'm not chasing monsters or PB's I'm still just out to have some fun. Every now and again though something happens in pike fishing that drives you on, makes you think about pike fishing more and more and makes you want to get up early or out at every occasion no matter how short, in search of that special fish. A few days ago I very nearly had another monster.

One of the five
I was out in the morning and had a pike lunge at my Reel Eel. I kind of saw it's head come out of the water but struck and hit in to nothing. I couldn't tempt it again but I said to myself that it was another decent fish. I went home, did some chores but was back that evening to see if it was still lurking. Nothing happened in the first half hour or more but I did grab a few fish to keep up the interest, yet no sign of that bigger fish. Maybe it wasn't that big after all or maybe it had just moved on. Looking down on my lure I moved it slowly over a snag and through a gap where there's a bit of a deep hole. It seemed like slow motion and seemed to last for ever, but this huge pike, with a back on it like a gorilla slowly came up from the depths with a kind of wiggle which I won't forget for some time. It casually grabbed my lure yet I felt nothing and for what seemed an eternity I didn't know what to do. I glimpsed the tail of the eel hanging out of it's mouth and struck.....

Nothing. I didn't even feel anything. The hooks just didn't set and the monster returned to the depths. What do you do now, well once you've cast and recast over the top? I suppose I could sulk, curse my bad luck or even cry. I simply took it on the chin and got on with fishing. I've had some good fish recently and I'm not about to spoil my fishing by putting targets up or expecting to catch a monster every time. I want to enjoy my fishing and moments like this one, no matter how frustrating, cruel or heartbreaking are all part of fishing for me.

I still see this fish quite clearly in my head and while I'm at work counting down the hours I'm hoping I get another chance at her. While I'm sat browsing the internet I'm checking the weather and river levels to see if I can get out the next day. Fishing is a bit of an obsession at times and it's no wonder when there's mysterious magical fish out there keeping us up all night.

I love pike fishing.

2012 pike tally
Doubles 30
Total 196
Largest 22.5lb
Twenties - 2
Bonus Perch 35
Largest 2lb 7oz
Bonus chub - 1

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